Evolution is Simple

Evolution is Simple
By Graham Dull

First principle

The basic principle of evolution is this -- the process of evolution is driven solely by simple, very insignificant, and small steps.
Evolution never-ever makes a truly significant change in a single step.

From nonliving chemicals

Evolutionists know that the first life arose spontaneously through a process known as 'Abiogenesis.'
Abiogenesis literally means 'not by Biogenesis.' Abiogenesis describes the science of how life comes into being from nonliving material. This is in contrast to Biogenesis which describes the reproduction of living organisms -- how life gives birth to life.

As expected, the first life-form was incredibly simple.
From this humble beginning, all life evolved. Life may have started out from something that was ridiculously simple, but it steadily progressed into many incredibly complex forms.

Life began with the simple

How simple is simple?
The smallest 'known' genome that can constitute a cell is Mycoplasma genitalium. It consists of 521 genes (482 protein encoding genes) within one circular chromosome of 582,970 base pairs.
In the sphere of biology this is 'incredibly simple' -- only 582,970 base pairs.
Simple? Yes.
Nevertheless, Mycoplasma genitalium has the ability to sustain itself and to reproduce.
How would the first life-form compare?
What elements would constitute its makeup?
The first simple life would have consisted of a selection of the following elements -- Boron (B), Calcium (Ca), Carbon (C), Chlorine (Cl), Chromium (Cr), Cobalt (Co), Copper (Cu), Germanium (Ge), Hydrogen (H), Iodine (I), Iron (Fe), Magnesium (Mg), Manganese (Mn), Nitrogen (N), Oxygen (O), Phosphorus (P), Potassium (K), Selenium (Se), Silica (Si), Sodium (Na), Sulphur (S), Zinc (Zn).
These are the elements which are found within tissues, cells, and organisms -- where all such elements are intricately arranged. Living creatures are built of this stuff.

First life
In the first life-form, the required elements all spontaneously came together perfectly positioned and intricately arranged so as to provide the all-important chromosome.
It was a spontaneous development. It was simple. It was perfect.
The single remarkable thing about it was that it could reproduce itself.
Evolution is simple. Life can only ever start with the simple, and with ongoing multiple simple steps it progresses to the complex.
